WSIA Announces Online Seminar Series
Feb. 15, 2023

Here's a quick announcement from our programs, networking, and continuing education side.
Earlier this year, we surveyed the membership about desire to have online programming offered in addition to in-person events.
Traditionally, WSIA has had six in-person conferences throughout our July to June program year: Fall, Winter (West & East), Spring, and our big 3-day Annual Conference.
This is in addition to training and continuing ed events throughout the year, ranging from a complimentary legal year in review webinar in late winter, our Return to Work summit in the summer, and our two-day Legal Issues Workshop in the fall, and planned member showcases/tours, brown bags, and other networking opportunities.
And of course, this is on top of our 72-hours of Washington Workers' Compensation Professional (WWCP) pre-certification curriculum.
In our survey, it became apparent that there is a strong desire for more online content, as well as support for in-person networking opportunities throughout the year.
So for now, we are shifting our one-day conferences to an online seminar format. Our first one is coming next month on March 17th, the Spring Seminar focusing on mental health issues in workers' compensation.
We'll then have our Annual Conference in person in Spokane on May 10-12.
Our RTW Summit and Fall Seminar will be online, and we'll regroup again in person for our Legal Issues Workshop.
Hopefully, with a lot of opportunities to be both in-person and fully online, our members will find the content, credits, and in-person opportunities that serve you the best!