Winter East Conference 2016


Winter East Conference 2016

"The Well Managed Claim"

Historic Davenport Hotel

Historic Davenport Hotel

10 South Post St
Spokane, WA 99201

Thursday, January 21 2016

StructValue([('title', 'Registration and Breakfast'), ('start_time', datetime.time(7, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(8, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07400>), ('sessions', []), ('downloads', [])]) StructValue([('title', 'Welcome & WSIA Updates'), ('start_time', datetime.time(8, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(8, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b078e0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Kris Tefft, EExecutive Director'), ('organization', 'Washington Self-Insurers Association'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193db7f0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'Achilles Heel Tendonosis - Understanding Treatment and Work-relatedness for Conditions of the Foot & Ankle'), ('start_time', datetime.time(8, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(9, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07c10>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Scott B. Shawen, M.D.'), ('organization', 'Objective Medical Assessments Corp.'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193a48e0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'Escaping the Disability Trap and other Employment Law Minefields'), ('start_time', datetime.time(9, 30)), ('end_time', datetime.time(10, 30)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07df0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Nicole Tedrow, Attorney'), ('organization', 'Associated Industries'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193a4bb0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'Fighting Fraud -- Willful Misrepresenation -- at All Stages of a Claim'), ('start_time', datetime.time(10, 45)), ('end_time', datetime.time(11, 45)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07220>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Tylar Edwards, Senior Deputy Prosecutor'), ('organization', "King County Prosecutor's Office"), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193a4a60>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'Networking Lunch'), ('start_time', datetime.time(11, 45)), ('end_time', datetime.time(12, 45)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07430>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'The New Vocational Rehabilitation Law & Creative Return to Work Management'), ('start_time', datetime.time(12, 45)), ('end_time', datetime.time(13, 45)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b07460>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'JR Wyatt, Vocational ehabilitation Counselor'), ('organization', 'OSC Vocational Systems, Inc.'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193a4be0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'The Hard to Handle Claim'), ('start_time', datetime.time(13, 45)), ('end_time', datetime.time(14, 45)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a17b076a0>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Nicole Tedrow, Attorney'), ('organization', 'Eims Graham, PS'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193cc8e0>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])]) StructValue([('title', 'The Art of the Claimant Interview and Surveillance How-To'), ('start_time', datetime.time(15, 0)), ('end_time', datetime.time(16, 0)), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193a4040>), ('sessions', [StructValue([('topic', ''), ('speakers', [StructValue([('speaker', 'Steve Starkel, President'), ('organization', 'Miles Investigations, Inc.'), ('website', ''), ('description', <wagtail.core.rich_text.RichText object at 0x7f3a193cc100>)])])])]), ('downloads', [None])])


WSIA Members - $225, breakfast and lunch included

Additional members from same organization - $150 each (contact office to register multiple attendees with group discount)

Non-member guests - $350

Continuing Education Credit Hours

WSIA will award 6, with 3 being statutory, CEC clock hours toward the Washington Workers' Compensation Professional (WWCP) requirements. CRCC and CDMS have been applied for. WA Certified Administrator credits have been applied for.

Cancellation Information

A cancellation fee of $75 will be charged for cancellations received by January 14, 2016.  This is to offset the cost of room rental, reserved meals, and conference material production.

No credit will be given for cancellations made after January 14, 2016.