
The WSIA Weekly, 7.8.16

Labor & Industries appoints Fillinger, Dale to Curriculum Review Committee
The Department of Labor & Industries announced earlier this week that the two open slots on the Self-Insurance Program’s Curriculum Review Committee, which oversees the accreditation of continuing education supporting the Department’s claims examiner certification, have been filled. WSIA member Natalee Fillinger, attorney with Holmes, Weddle & Barcott, has been appointed to the employer position while claimants’ attorney Jane Dale of the Causey Law Firm has been appointed to the labor position. We understand there were a number of very well qualified applicants for the employer position, and we congratulate Natalee and thank everyone for their interest in this important committee.    

WSIA Liaison Committee meeting minutes available
WSIA’s Liaison Committee held its bi-monthly meeting with L&I Self-Insurance management yesterday, and the minutes from that meeting are now available on the website (member login req’d). Topics discussed include updates to the Tier 1 audit pilot, the upcoming medical Electronic Data Interchange project, staffing changes in self-insurance, an update on worker non-cooperation with Performance Capacity Evaluations, and more. The Liaison Committee is your opportunity to bring issues or concerns in front of the Department for troubleshooting or problem-solving. Contact Kris Tefft or any of the Liaison Committee members (noted in the minutes) with any issues you’d like brought up in future meetings. 

Health policy news from L&I for self-insurance
At yesterday’s Liaison Committee meeting, staff from the Office of Medical Director at Labor & Industries provided a kind of newsletter update of recent health policy work completed, as well as new projects underway, such as treatment guideline work on foot and ankle surgery, carpal tunnel syndrome, and more. Click here for a copy of the update.  

Safety Committee meets next Thursday
You or any interested colleagues in your organization are invited to the next monthly meeting of the WSIA Safety Committee, taking place July 14th from 2:00 p.m. to 2:45 p.m. on the online GoToMeeting platform (registration link here). Topics on the agenda include the new electronic injury reporting and anti-retaliation criteria for OSHA, OSHA’s position that DOSH must eliminate/modify the exemption from the 4’ fall protection for limited roofing activities, driving in the workplace and modifications to power industrial trucks (PIT), and more. Participants are encouraged to add any topics of interest or get feedback from other WSIA members, and route it through committee chair John Shervey at this link.      

Conference Planning Committee meets July 19th
WSIA members interested in helping our conference planning committee assemble the program for our fall, winter, spring, and annual conferences are invited to take part in the committee’s kick-off meeting July 19th at 10:00 a.m., either in person at the new WSIA office in Olympia, or by teleconference. Have ideas for topics, presenters, or event details? We’d love to have your thoughts as part of the committee. Drop Kari Heinold a line if you’d like the call-in information.

All WSIA committees seeking new volunteers
You can see from the above that committee work is ramping up and moving ahead, as we enter into a new program year for WSIA. We rely on our volunteers’ passion, input, and creativity to drive our mission in our legislative committee, safety committee, membership & marketing, conference planning, regional meeting, and legal affairs committees. You can read more about the committees at this link, and if you have any interest in being part of one or more committee, contact Kris Tefft. Being a “member of the committee” means being on our committee-specific e-mail list for meeting notices, action alerts, requests for feedback, and other topical news – you participate to the extent you’re able!