
The WSIA Weekly, 4.10.15


WSIA’s Safety Committee announces upcoming seminar on DOSH inspections

What happens when a DOSH inspector shows up? How does an employer best prepare for an accident or fatality investigation? WSIA’s Safety Committee, in partnership with the Washington Farm Bureau, is presenting Eye on DOSH: What to Expect When the Safety Inspector Comes Calling on May 21, 2015 from 8:30 to Noon at the Farm Bureau offices in Lacey. The seminar, focusing on preparing employers for inspections and investigations, will feature an interactive format with panelists from the private and public sectors, a former compliance officer, and a defense attorney. Registration is complimentary (but required due to space limitations) and open to all WSIA members – please forward to your colleagues in Safety. More details and RSVP information is available by clicking here.

Workers’ comp bills up in the air at the Legislature

With the next major deadline approaching April 15th for bills to receive votes to keep advancing in the session, the fate of the remaining four workers’ comp bills appears up in the air right now. We’re working diligently working to advance ESB 5510, creating the Benefit Accuracy Working Group at L&I to tackle wage simplification issues. The Department is trying to move its Return to Work proposal encompassing the Preferred Worker Program and vocational rehabilitation. And the firefighter’s union is advancing its bill to look at hazardous exposure reporting. To follow along in the latest action, click on our legislative updates page.

L&I settles appeal with Seattle radiologist – could you be affected?

Earlier this week, Labor & Industries advised us they have entered into a settlement with Via Radiology, a Seattle-area radiology partnership, over billing disputes stemming from Via’s lack of admission into L&I’s Medical Provider Network (MPN). L&I had refused to pay Via for outpatient radiology services, contending the group never joined the MPN. Via disputed this in a series of appeals to the Board of Industrial Insurance Appeals. The Department agreed to settle the dispute by paying one quarter’s worth of billings. While the agreement does not admit fault and binds only the State Fund, we are told Via intends to use the settlement to recover unpaid billings from self-insured employers. Click here for a copy of the settlement agreement, and check with your service company or legal counsel to determine if it may affect you if you have claims utilizing this provider.   

Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee materials available

Yesterday, the state’s Workers’ Compensation Advisory Committee met at Labor & Industries headquarters in Tumwater, receiving updates on the financial status of the State Fund, and departmental initiatives around Return to Work, self-insurance audit reform, and the like. If you’re interested in the work of the WCAC, please take a look at the materials from yesterday’s meeting by clicking here.


Webinar: The Alphabet of Accommodation -- WC, ADA, FMLA, WLAD

April 30, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Betsy Reeves, Reeves Shima, P.C.
$59 for WSIA members | credits pending

Topics include: Complex interplay of workers' comp and HR leave/disability laws | Return to work scenarios |

Transitional work | Reasonable accommodations

Webinar: Getting a Grip on Psychiatric Diagnoses in Workers’ Comp

May 14, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Brian Grant, M.D., Medical Consultants Network
$59 for WSIA members | credits pending

Topics include: How psychiatric diagnoses enter claims | How to address them | Common diagnoses such as depression, PTSD, and malingering

Webinar: The Aging Workforce – Will Your Company Adapt?

May 19, 2015, 10:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.
Clyde Wilson, M.D., US HealthWorks (retired)
$59 for WSIA members | credits pending

Topics include: Examination of specific programs aimed at preventing injuries and easing return to work and improving quality of life for an aging workforce population


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